
Hello everyone and welcome to #blogtober, I am super excited as this year is my very first year ever doing it!! In today’s post I want to let you know a bit about why I chose to take part in the challenge, my blogtober schedule, and a bit more about myself and what you can expect on here this month.

As I am sure by now you have all heard that blogtober is upon us, I’ll give you a short and sweet run down of what it is since you have probably read a similar intro maybe 100 times already… Blogtober is when bloggers post new content every single day for the month of October, some posting content solely in their niche while others step outside their comfort zone. Personally I will be doing both, staying within the lifestyle area while aslo incorporating some spooky posts in honour of halloween and some more scandalous and controversial posts as well. I am taking this month as a chance to push the limits. Which is partially the reason that I decided to take part in this challenge. Not only will it be beneficial for my mental health witht the massive distractions but also the fact that I am obssessed with fall and everything fall related. So I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer this month.

I will be posting from Monday – Friday with the weekends off to focus on social media and growth but also to give myself the chance at a break and not causing myself to burn out (especially not to burn out quickly).Β I am one of those bloggers that does not have a specific niche one would say. I stick with the typical lifestyle blogger areas but I also talk about mental health. Dating and love life topics. Motivational and inspirational how to’s, etc. This month you can expect just that from me as well. This month I will also be talking about some very controversial topics such as the #Metoo movement, dating a professor, and of course some spooky topics as well such as some well known murderers, horror novels and some more fun fall related posts such as bucketlists, movies to watch, books to read and all that fun stuff.

So get some cozy socks on brew up a coffee and get ready for an interesting month.

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